北京北方大河仪器仪表有限公司本着同客户共享仪表技术的经营理念,不断将国外具有技术特色的仪器仪表推荐给用户.多年来,我们提供的产品涵盖了制药、半导体、环保、建筑节能、绿色能源、生态研究、石油、电力、电子、食品、水处理、航空航天、核电等领域。自2007年以来,我们一直与Senseca旗下公司合作,在中国大力推广销售Senseca产品。 Senseca集团专业致力于精密电子仪器仪表的生产与研发已经*过 30多年,产品测量范围涉及:温度、湿度、二氧化碳、压力、风速、太阳辐射、照度、 雨量、噪音、空气质量IAQ、水质分析、流量、液位、气体等。 从2024年1月1日起,GHM GROUP将逐步变更旗下5个品牌的LOGO为Senseca。 我们的五大品牌- Honsberg流量开关, Greisinger温度计压力计, DeltaOHM环境测量, Val.Co液位开关, Martens流体分析。对于Senseca,我们正在追求一个明确的目标:我们想要通过用户测量技术解决方案,为更可持续的未来做出重要贡献。 
What began as a vision in 2009 is being driven forward continuously: from the fusion of the companies Greisinger, Honsberg, Martens, Imtron, Delta OHM and VAL.CO, GHM GROUP still considers itself a tradition-oriented company. With an eye back to the vision of the founders, the company continues in its consistent efforts to permanently advance measuring and regulation technology with innovative developments and application-specific solutions. Today GHM GROUP is a pioneering specialist and complete provider for innovative measuring a regulation technology. With more than 330 employees in sixteen locations worldwide, the company develops and produces a wide assortment of more than 2 000 high-quality device types.
Remscheid, 22 June 2023 – One company, one brand, one purpose: to become an enabler of a sustainable future. From 1 January 2024, the GHM GROUP, a leading sensor technology company, will become Senseca.
More than a rebranding project: the five GHM GROUP brands (Honsberg, Greisinger,Martens, Val.Co and Delta OHM)will combine their expertise to continue their success story within Senseca by maintaining the same entrepreneurial spirit as their founders.